Difference Between Sentinel And Axillary Lymph Nodes

Difference Between Sentinel And Axillary Lymph Nodes
Difference Between Sentinel And Axillary Lymph Nodes

The key difference between sentinel and axillary lymph nodes is that sentinel lymph nodes are the first few lymph nodes into which a tumor drains while axillary lymph nodes are the lymph nodes in the human armpit which are responsible for draining lymph from the breasts and surrounding areas.

The lymphatic system is the network of tissues and organs that transport lymph throughout the body. Lymph nodes are small clumps of immune cells that help to fight against illnesses. Axillary lymph nodes are present in the underarm or the axilla. Sentinel lymph nodes are the lymph nodes into which breast cancer is more likely to spread first. Therefore, sentinel node biopsy is used to check the axillary lymph nodes for the spreading of breast cancer.
